ResearchRSS - Research abonnieren

Bild des Benutzers andre.groeger

“The Vietnamese Bonanza in Angola”

When I first discovered that masses of Vietnamese people are migrating from remote rural areas of Vietnam to a place as exotic as Angola, I became curious to explore the motivations and destinies linked to this unexpected phenomenon. Consequently, in August and September 2013, we dedicated the first phase of field work of the AFRASO-subproject African-Asian Migration and Development to further investigate this topic.




author(s) / editor(s): 

Bild des Benutzers simone.claar

A little revolution? Open source of SA research

Within the scientific community, the debate about access to research results and the dominance of the main publishing houses has been an ongoing issue in the last years: “You are what and where you publish” in the academic system of the 21st century...




author(s) / editor(s): 

Bild des Benutzers frauke.eckl

South Korea – The Renewal of an Alternative?

The attraction of South Korea as an emerging donor and a new partner for African countries stems from its own development experience. African countries like Ghana and Kenya focus not only on China, but also on East Asian and South Korean investors for their infrastructure projects and foreign investments, trying to conduct their ‚Looking East‘-policies. Other countries like Ethiopia try to model their own country after the idea of the development-led state as seen in South Korea.




author(s) / editor(s): 

The Land Matrix celebrates its first anniversary – discussion of the major developments regarding African and Asian data

 One year ago, the 26th of April 2012, during the Land and Poverty Conference organised in Washington by World Bank, the Land Matrix partnership launched the online database “Land Matrix” []. The main purpose was to encourage researchers, governments, citizens and companies to provide more data on land acquisitions.




author(s) / editor(s): 

Bild des Benutzers dany.jaimovich

The Asian roots of cultural change in The Gambia

In the last 3 weeks I have been conducting fieldwork in The Gambia and Senegal in the framework of the AFRASO project Asian development assistance in Senegambia. My focus is on development cooperation in the agricultural sector. And in the case of The Gambia, the Republic of China (ROC, Taiwan) is one of the most important bilateral donors, particularly after 2005.




author(s) / editor(s): 
