
Bild des Benutzers arndt.graf
Prof. Dr.

Arndt GRAF (PhD Hamburg 1998, Habilitation Hamburg 2004) is Professor of Southeast Asian Studies at the University of Frankfurt, Germany, since 2009. Previously, he served at Universiti Sains Malaysia (2007–2009) and the University of Hamburg (1999–2006). He also held visiting positions at Cornell University, the State Islamic University Jakarta, the Université de La Rochelle, France, and Universiti Malaya. Arndt Graf ’s publications mostly cover aspects of rhetoric, media, and political communication in insular Southeast Asia.


Director, Interdisciplinary Centre of East Asian Studies (IZO)


Dept. of Southeast Asian Studies

Straße + Hausnummer: 

Senckenberganlage 31








+49 (0)69 798-23643

AFRASO Projekte: 

AFRASO Publications: 

Graf, Arndt , Lindberg-Falk, Monica ; 2016 ; Student Mobility in Southeast Asia ; TRaNS: Trans-Regional and -National Studies of Southeast Asia ; 4 (1), Special Issue
Graf, Arndt ; 2016 ; Malaysia’s niche in international higher education: Targeting Muslim-majority, Commonwealth, and less-developed countries. ; TRaNS: Trans-Regional and -National Studies of Southeast Asia ; 4(1) ; Cambridge University Press ; 5-40
Graf, Arndt, Lindberg-Falk, Monica ; 2016 ; Introduction to the Issue: Student Mobility within Southeast Asia. ; TRaNS: Trans-Regional and - National Studies of Southeast Asia ; 4 (1) ; Cambridge University Press ; 1-4
Graf, Arndt, Hashim, Azirah ; 2017 ; African-Asian Encounters: New Cooperations and New Dependencies ; International Institute for Asian Studies Series (Global Asia) ; Arndt Graf and Azirah Hashim ; 7 ; Amsterdam University Press

Talks / Lectures: 

Graf, Arndt ; 2015 bis 2016 ; New African scholarship on Human Security in Southeast Asia ; S2-D: Migration of African Students to Malaysia, S2-D: Bildungsmigration afrikanischer Studierender nach Asien ; 8. Konferenz der European Association for Southeast Asian Studies (EUROSEAS) ; Wien
Arndt Graf ; 2014 ; Malaysia as a New Player in International Higher Education: Issues and Challenges ; S2-D: Migration of African Students to Malaysia, S2-D: Bildungsmigration afrikanischer Studierender nach Asien ; Institute d'Asie Orientale, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon ; Lyon
Arndt Graf ; 2013 ; Intercivilisational Dialogue Through Higher Education: The Case of Malaysia ; S2-D: Migration of African Students to Malaysia, S2-D: Bildungsmigration afrikanischer Studierender nach Asien ; Centre for Civilisational Dialogue ; University of Malaya
Arndt Graf ; 2015 ; Higher Education in Malaysia:APEX Initiative and World Class University ; S2-D: Migration of African Students to Malaysia, S2-D: Bildungsmigration afrikanischer Studierender nach Asien ; Frankfurter Buchmesse ; Frankfurt am Main
Arndt Graf ; 2016 ; Beyond Traditional Southeast Asian Studies? New Interactions between Africa and Southeast Asia and their Implications on Concepts of Area Studies ; S2-D: Migration of African Students to Malaysia, S2-D: Bildungsmigration afrikanischer Studierender nach Asien ; 5th Southeast Asian Studies Symposium ; University of Oxford


M5. Graf, Arndt. 2010. Bahasa Reformasi. Political Rhetoric in Post-Suharto Indonesia. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 202 p. (Frankfurter Forschungen zu Südostasien, 6).
M4. Graf, Arndt. 2010. Bahasa Melayu dan Jurnal dari MalaysiaBidang Ilmu Kemanusiaan dan Sains Sosial Dalam Indeks Antarabangsa [Malay and Journals from Malaysia from the Humanities and Social Sciences in International Indexes]. Penang: Universiti Sains MalaysiaPress, 88 p.
M3. Graf, Arndt. 2008. Bibliografi Retorik Melayu Beranotasi. [Annotated Bibliography of Malay Rhetoric]. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 311 p.
M2. Graf, Arndt. 1998. Indonesische Medienrhetorik. Eine methodologische Fallstudie anhand der Kommentarkolumne "Catatan Pinggir" von Goenawan Mohamad [The Rhetoric of Indonesian Media: A Methodological Case Study of Goenawan Mohamad’s Column “Catatan Pinggir”]. Berlin: Reimer, 192 p. (Publications of the Department of Indonesian and Pacific Languages of the University of Hamburg; 22).
M1.Graf, Arndt. 1995. Der indonesische Regenwald im Prozeß der Entmagisierung. Zum Wandel eines literarischen Topos bei Mochtar Lubis [The Changing Topos of the Indonesian Rain Forest in the Literary Works of Mochtar Lubis]. Münster/Hamburg: Lit, 120 p. (Austronesiana. Studies on Austronesian Southeast Asia and Oceania; 3).
Edited Volumes
EV6. Mohamad Rashidi Pakri and Arndt Graf, eds. 2013: Fiction and Faction in the Malay World. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
EV5. Graf, Arndt, Schirin Fathi, and Ludwig Paul, eds. 2011. Orientalism and Conspiracy. Politics and Conspiracy Theory in the Islamic World. Essays in Honour of Sadik J. Al-Azm. London: I.B. Tauris, 257 p. (Library of Modern Middle East Studies, 92).
EV4. Graf, Arndt, Susanne Schroeter, and Edwin Wieringa, eds. 2010. Aceh. History, Politics, Culture. Singapore: ISEAS, 386 p.
EV3. Graf, Arndt, Peter Kreuzer, and Rainer Werning, eds. 2009. Conflict in MoroLand: Prospects for Peace. Penang, Malaysia: Universiti Sains MalaysiaPress, 229 p.
EV2. Graf, Arndt and Chua Beng-Huat, eds. 2009. Port Cities in Asia and Europe. London; New York: Routledge, 240 p. (Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia)
EV1. Bormann, Annett, Arndt Graf, Michaela Meyer, and Marcus Voss, eds. 1995. Südostasien und Wir. Grundsatzdiskussion und Fachbeiträge. Tagung des Arbeitskreises Südostasien und Ozeanien, Hamburg1993 [Southeast Asiaand Us: Principle Discussion and Contributions from the Disciplines. Conference on Southeast Asiaand Oceania]. Münster; Hamburg: Lit, 241 p. (Austronesiana; 1).
Journal Articles (peer-reviewed)
A15. Graf, Arndt. 2011. “Rhetoric and Politics at the International Speech Competitions in Malay Language (PABM).” Indonesia and the Malay World 39, 114 (June): 295-316.
A14. Graf, Arndt. 2011. “Beyond 2020. Indonesian and Malay in a New Linguistic World Order.” Kemanusiaan. The Asian Journal for Humanities 18, 1: 77-100 (online:
A13. Graf, Arndt. 2010. “Researching the Humorous in Indonesian Islam.” Orient. German Journal for Politics, Economics and Culture of the Middle East III/51: 36-42 (revised version of C15).
A12. Graf, Arndt. 2010. “Electronic Orientalism? The Afterlife of Syed Hussein Alatas’ ‘The Myth of the Lazy Native’ in Electronic Databases.” New Media and Society 12, 5: 835-854 (online version: Online First, 19 Jan. 2010 [DOI: 10.1177/1461444809342739, 1461444809 342739v1.
A11. Graf, Arndt. 2009. “Indexing a Field: the Case of Indonesian and Malaysian Studies.” Rima - Review of Indonesian and Malaysian Affairs 43, 2: 191-221.
A10. Graf, Arndt. 2007. “’CyberPram’: Perceptions of the Literary Works of Pramoedya Ananta Toer on the Internet.” Indonesiaand the Malay World 35, 103 (Nov.): 293-312.
A9. Graf, Arndt. 2007. “German Works on Malay Culture and Literature since the Nineteenth Century.” Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 80, 2, 293 (Dec.): 51-65.
A8a. Graf, Arndt. 2007. “Classical Malay Persuasion and the Question of Sino-Malay Rhetoric. A Comparative Case Study of 17th Century Letters from Banten (West Java).” Jurnal Persatuan Linguistik [Journal of the Linguistic Society of Malaysia] 8 (April): 21-43.
A8b. Extended and revised version: Graf, Arndt. 2011 (forthcoming). “’Malay Politeness’ Versus ‘Chinese Bluntness’? Rhetorical Strategies of Historical Letters from West Java in Comparison.” In Questioning the Myths of Southeast Asian Historiography. Essays in Honor of Barend Terwiel, ed. Volker Grabowsky. Bangkok: River Books, 252-265.
A6. Graf, Arndt. 2003. “Structural Arithmetik Metaphors in the Editorials of Kompas.” Indonesiaand the Malay World 31, 90 (July): 190-198.
A5. Graf, Arndt. 2003. “Der deutsche Beitrag zur internationalen Indonesistik der 1990er Jahre: Ein Blick auf die Repräsentation in Excerpta Indonesica [German Contributions to International Indonesian Studies in the 1990s: A Look at the Representation in Excerpta Indonesica].” Asien 86 (Jan.): 20-31.
A5a. Graf, Arndt. 2002. “The Traditional Image of Indonesian Islam in German Newspapers.” Kultur. Indonesian Journal for Muslim Cultures 2, 1: 23-35.
A5b. Revised version: “The Traditional Image of Indonesian Islam in German Newspapers.” Südostasien Aktuell 24, 2005: 30-36
A4. Graf, Arndt. 2002. “Strategic Data on International Indonesian Studies in the 1990s.” The Indonesian Quarterly 30, 1: 77-83. (Reprint: In “A Tale of Excerpta Indonesica”, ed. Rahadi S. Karni. Typescript. Leiden, 2002).
A3. Graf, Arndt. 2002. “Konzepte von Mensch, Person und Selbst in Java: eine historische Perspektive [Concepts of Man, Person, and Self in Java: A Historical Perspective].” Asien 82 (Jan.): 22-34.
A2. Graf, Arndt. 1995. “Attitudes Towards the Rain Forest in the Literary Works of Mochtar Lubis.” Indonesia Circle 65 (March): 32-41.
A1. Graf, Arndt. 1995. “Zur Entmagisierung des Regenwaldes in Indonesien. Problemdarstellung und Ver­haltens­modelle im liter­arischen Werk von Mochtar Lubis [The Demystification of the Rain Forest in Indonesia. Representations of the Problem and Possible Solutions in the Literary Work of Mochtar Lubis].” Asien 54 (January): 7-18.
Chapters in Books
C13. Graf, Arndt. 2011. “'Malay Politeness' versus 'Chinese Bluntness?' Rhetorical Strategies of Historical Letters from West-Java in Comparison." In Breaking the Bonds: Unravelling the Myths of Southeast Asian Historiography, ed. Volker Grabowsky. Bangkok: River Books, 252-262.
C12. Graf, Arndt. 2011. “Humour Among Indonesian Muslims: A Neglected Genre in Malay-Indonesian Studies.” In Rainbows of Malay Literature and Beyond. Festschrift in Honour of Professor Md.Salleh Yaapar, ed. Lalita Sinha. Penang, Malaysia: Universiti Sains Malaysia Press, 201-212 (revised version published as A 13).
C11. Graf, Arndt. 2011. “Structural Orientalism, Contested Orientalism, Post-Orientalism: A Case Study of Western Framings of 'Violence in Indonesia'." In Orientlism and Conspiracy: Politics and Conspiracy Theory in the Islamic World. Essays in Honour of Sadik Jalal al-Azm, eds. Arndt Graf, Schirin Fathi, and Ludwig Paul. London: I.B. Tauris, 141-164.
C10. Graf, Arndt. 2010. “Konsep Perpaduan Dalam Sastera Melayu Klasik: Satu Pendekatan Retorik.“ In Kreativiti Minda Melayu dalam Kesusasteraan Tradisional, ed. Harun Daud. Medan (Indonesia): Universitas Sumatra Utara Press, 31-43.
C9. Graf, Arndt. 2009. “The Moro Conflict in the Indonesian Muslim Press: Representations in Republika Online.” In Conflict in the Southern Philippines. Prospects for Peace?, eds. Arndt Graf, Peter Kreuzer, and Rainer Werning. Penang, Malaysia: Universiti Sains MalaysiaPress, 105-14.
C8. Graf, Arndt. 2009. „Die Medien in Indonesien [The Media in Indonesia].” In Internationales Handbuch Medien 2008/9 [International Media Handbook 2008/9], ed. Hans-Bredow-Institut für Medienforschung an der Universität Hamburg. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 916-926.
C7. Graf, Arndt. 2009. “Marketing a City-state: Hamburg and Singapore in Comparison.” In Port Cities: Asian and European Transformations, eds. Arndt Graf and Chua Beng-Huat. London; New York: Routledge, 176-89.
C6. Graf, Arndt. 2007. “Konzepte von Frau und Familie in der indonesischen Politik [Concepts of Women and Family in Indonesian Politics].” In Auf anderen Wegen? Bemerkenswerte Frauen in Ost- und Südostasien [In Other Ways? Remarkable Women in East and Southeast Asia], eds. Dorothee Schaab-Hanke and Judit Árokay. Gossenberg: Ostasien-Verlag, 226-242. (Hamburger Sinologische Schriften; 10).
C5. Graf, Arndt. 2004. „Das indonesische Mediensystem [The Indonesian Media System].” Internationales Handbuch Medien 2004/2005 [International Media Handbook 2004/2005], ed. Hans-Bredow-Institut für Medienforschung an der Universität Hamburg. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 882-890.
C4. Graf, Arndt. 2002. “Malaio-indonesische Rhetorik [Malayo-Indonesian Rhetoric].” Rhetorik. Ein internationales Jahrbuch [Rhetoric. An International Yearbook]. 2001/2002: 157-171.
C3. Graf, Arndt. 1998. “Demokratisierung und Blockaden in In­donesien. Die Presseverbote von 1994 im Kontext des Machtkampfes um die Nach­folge Soehartos [Democratization and its Blockades in Indo­nesia. The Press Crack-down of 1994 in the Context of the Power-struggle for the Succes­sion of Suharto].” In Blockierte De­mokratien in der Dritten Welt [Blocked Democracies in the Third World], eds. Gunter Schubert and Rainer Tetzlaff. Hamburg: Leske and Budrich, 333-365.
C2. Graf, Arndt. 1998. „Texttheoretische und meth­odologische Fragen der indonesischen Medienrhetorik. Eine exem­plarische Unter­suchung der Kommentarkolumne 'Catatan Pinggir' von Goenawan Mohamad [Theoretical and Methodological Questions of Indonesian Media Rhetorics: a Case Study of the Column ‘Catatan Pinggir’ by Goenawan Mohamad].” In Vom altjavanischen Tempel zum Internet. Beiträge der Stu­dentischen Arbeitstagung zu Südostasien und Ozeanien 1996 in Köln, eds. Kirsten Lut­ter and Patrick Ziegenhain. Köln: Fachschaft Malaiologie, Universität zu Köln, 99-110.
C1. Graf, Arndt. 1995. „Indonesien: Schrittweise Liberalisierung [Indonesia: Gradual Liberalization].” In Zugang in Südostasien [Access in Southeast Asia], eds. K.-A. Pretzell and W. Herrmann. Münster; Hamburg: Lit, 39-46 (APIA-Publications; 1).