
Bild des Benutzers falk.hartig

Falk Hartig holds a MA (Sinology and Journalism) from the University of Leipzig. From 2007 to 2009 he was deputy chief editor of the magazine “Cultural Exchange”, published by the Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, ifa). In 2009 he was a visiting fellow at Xinhua News Agency in Beijing and a research assistant at the German Institute of Global and Area Studies in Hamburg. From 2010 to 2012 he was a PhD student of Media and Communication at Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia, working on “Confucius Institutes and the Rise of China”. He writes for German journals and magazines and is the author of a book about the Communist Party of China.

His current research focuses on China’s public and cultural diplomacy, China’s global image and the internationalization of Chinese media.


Institut für Ostasiatische Philologien


Senckenberganlage 31

Straße + Hausnummer: 

Senckenberganlage 31




Frankfurt am Main





AFRASO Projekte: 

AFRASO Publications: 

Hartig, Falk ; 2014 ; Confucius Institutes as innovative tools of China’s cultural diplomacy ; Chinese Politics and International Relations: Innovation and Invention ; Nicola Horsburgh, Astrid Nordin, Shaun Breslin ; Routledge Warwick Studies in Globalisation ; New York ; 121-144
Hartig, Falk ; 2016 ; Chinese Public Diplomacy: The Rise of the Confucius Institute. Oxon/New York ; Hartig, Falk ; Routledge ; Oxon / New York
Hartig, Falk ; 2015 ; China’s Re-emergence: Reasons, Consequences and Prospects ; Europe-Asia Studies ; 67 (10) ; 1709–1712
Hartig, Falk ; 2014 ; Chinas Geopolitik und ihre kulturelle Unterstützung ; WIKA-Report Kulturelle Faktoren der Geopolitik ; Bauer, Gerd Ulrich; Thum, Bernd ; Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ; 64-69
Hartig, Falk ; 2015 ; China’s Confucius Institutes aren’t perfect but have much to offer Africa ; The Conversation ; December 3, 2015 ; https://theconversation.com/chinas-confucius-institutes-arent-perfect-but-have-much-to-offer-africa-51596


Talks / Lectures: 

Hartig, Falk ; 2013 ; Chinas Geopolitik und ihre kulturelle Unterstützung ; S3-A: Chinese Cultural Policies and Confucius Institutes in Africa ; WIKA-Workshop 2013 Kulturelle Faktoren von Geopolitik ; Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)




2008: Die Kommunistische Partei Chinas heute: Von der Revolutions- zur Reformpartei. Frankfurt/New York: Campus Verlag, 2008.

Book chapters:

2015: "The Latest Round of China's Panda Diplomacy", in: Wang, Jian (ed.): Rising Soft Powers: China, Los Angeles: USC Center on Public Diplomacy, 59-62.

2014 (mit Cheng Mai): „Innerparteiliche Demokratie in der Kommunistischen Partei Chinas: Instrument stärkerer Interessensvermittlung oder bloß ein Mittel zum Machterhalt?“, in: H. Heinelt (Hrsg.): Modernes Regieren in China, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 41-62.

2012: "Confucius Institutes: The Star of China’s Cultural Diplomacy", in: H. K. Anheier; B. Lorentz (eds.): Bridging the Trust Divide: Cultural Diplomacy and Fostering Understanding between China and the West, Essen: Stiftung Mercator, 88-95.

2009: "Mit Konfuzius ins 21. Jahrhundert: Chinas Auswärtige Kulturpolitik", in: K-J. Maaß (Hrsg.): Kultur und Außenpolitik – Handbuch für Studium und Praxis, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 401-410.

Journal articles:

2013: "Panda Diplomacy: The Cutest Part of China’s Public Diplomacy", in: The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, Vol.8, No.1, 49-78.

2012: "Cultural diplomacy with Chinese characteristics: The case of Confucius Institutes in Australia", in: Communication, Politics & Culture, Vol. 45, 256-276

2012: "Confucius Institutes and the Rise of China", in: Journal of Chinese Political Science, Vol.17, No.1, 53-76.


2013: Review of Who’s afraid of China? The Challenge of Chinese Soft Power by Michael Barr (Zed Books, 2011), in: Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 65, No.1, 164-165.

2012: Review of Soft Power in China: Public Diplomacy through Communication by Wang Jian (Palgrave Macmillan, 2010), in: Chinese Journal of Communication, Vol.5, No.4, 477-480.

2012: Review of Alternative Weltordnungsmodelle? IB-Diskurse in China by Nele Noesselt (VS Verlag, 2010), in: Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik, 2/2012, 347-348.

2010: Review of Charm Offensive: How China’s Soft Power is transforming the World by Joshua Kurlantzick (Yale University Press, 2007), The Dragon’s Hidden Wings: How China rises with its Soft Power by Sheng Ding (Lexington Books, 2008) and Soft Power: China’s emerging Strategy in International Politics by Li Mingjiang (ed.) (Lexington Books, 2009), in: Bochumer Jahrbuch zur Ostasienforschung, 34/2010, 290-297.

2010: Review of What does China Think? by Mark Leonard (Fourth Estate, 2008) and Wie China debattiert. Neue Essays und Bilder aus China by Heinrich Böll Stiftung (Heinrich Böll Stiftung, 2009), in: Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft (IPG), 2/2010, 170-175.