
Bild des Benutzers rirhandu.mageza-barthel

Rirhandu Mageza-Barthel is a political scientist whose expertise spans the field of gender politics in the global South. Prior to joining AFRASO, she was a Research Associate for Gender and Postcolonial Studies and a Doctoral Fellow of the DFG-Research Training Group “Public Spheres and Gender Relations. Dimensions of Experience”. She was also a Guest Researcher at the Primedia Chair for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at the University of South Africa (UNISA). Next to the countries analyzed within the AFRASO project, she has also worked extensively on (gender) politics in South Africa and Rwanda.

Rirhandu received her doctoral degree in Political Science from Frankfurt University. Her dissertation analyzed the topic “Women’s Stake and the United Nations’ Gender Norms in Rwanda’s Post-Genocide Transformation Process”. She completed her graduate and undergraduate studies at the Universities of Cape Town, Rotterdam and Frankfurt.


Political Science


Juridicum, Room 858

Straße + Hausnummer: 

Senckenberganlage 31 (HPF 21)








+49 -69-798-25403

AFRASO Projekte: 

AFRASO Publications: 

Mageza-Barthel, Rirhandu ; 2015 ; Mobilizing Transnational Gender Politics in Post-Genocide Rwanda (Gender in a Global/Local World Series) Farnham/Burlington: Ashgate. ; Mageza-Barthel, Rirhandu ; Ashgate ; Farnham / Burlington
Eckl, Frauke K. , Mageza-Barthel, Rirhandu , Thubauville, Sophia ; 2017 ; Ethiopia’s Asian Options – A Collage of African and Asian Entanglements ; Insight on Africa ; 9,2 ; 89-108
Mageza-Barthel, Rirhandu ; 2017 ; Beyond the State in Sino-African Relations? Locating Civil Society Interactions ; African Asian Encounters: New Cooperations and New Dependencies ; Arndt Graf und Azirah Hashim ; International Institute for Asian Studies Series (Global Asia 7) ; Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press ; 103-131

Talks / Lectures: 

Mageza-Barthel, Rirhandu ; 2015 ; Zur Politik chinesisch-afrikanischer Beziehungen ; S2-C: New Approaches to Transnational Gender Politics: Chinese-African Collaboration, S2-C: Neue Ansätze transnationaler Geschlechterpolitik: Chinesisch-Afrikanische Kooperationen ; Lehrer_innenfortbildung: „Afrika, Asien und wir? – AFRASO macht Schule! Entwicklungs- und Globalisierungsprozesse aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven ; Goethe University Frankfurt
Mageza-Barthel, Rirhandu & Uta Ruppert ; Zivilgesellschaft in Kenia und Äthiopien, SoSe 2014 ; S2-C: New Approaches to Transnational Gender Politics: Chinese-African Collaboration, S2-C: Neue Ansätze transnationaler Geschlechterpolitik: Chinesisch-Afrikanische Kooperationen
Mageza-Barthel, Rirhandu ; 2014 ; What’s Civil Society Got to Do with It? Beyond the State in Sino-African Relations ; S2-C: New Approaches to Transnational Gender Politics: Chinese-African Collaboration ; African-Asian Ecounters: New Cooperations – New Dependencies ; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Mageza-Barthel, Rirhandu ; 2015 ; Towards a New Gender Politics: African Women’s Movements & their Afro-Asian Encounters ; S2-C: New Approaches to Transnational Gender Politics: Chinese-African Collaboration ; European Conference on African Studies (ECAS) ; Sorbonne Universität, Paris
Eckl, Frauke; Mageza-Barthel, Rirhandu & Thubauville, Sophia (panel convenors) ; 2015 ; South Korean-Ethiopian Interactions ; S2-C: New Approaches to Transnational Gender Politics: Chinese-African Collaboration, S2-E: South-South Cooperation in Higher Education: Migration of Indian University Lecturers to Ethiopia , S3-C: New Approaches to Negotiating Development: South Korean-African Interactions ; 19th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies (ICES) ; Warsaw
Mageza-Barthel, Rirhandu; Tutzer, Mirjam ; 2015 ; Solidarität und Forschen ; Geteilte Forschung. Epistemologische Herausforderungen gemeinsamen Forschens in transregionalen Zusammenhängen ; Frankfurt am Main
Uta Ruppert and Rirhandu Mageza-Barthel ; 2017 ; Protest, Widerstand oder Politikerneuerung? Zur Theorie und Praxis aktueller Sozialer Bewegungen in Südafrika ; Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Ruppert, Uta & Rirhandu Mageza-Barthel ; 2014 ; Panel: "South-South Cooperation in Gender Politics: Trans-Regionalization as an Alternative Option for Sub-Saharan Africa?" ; S2-C: New Approaches to Transnational Gender Politics: Chinese-African Collaboration ; Conference of the African Studies Association in Germany (VAD) "Future Africa" ; Bayreuth University
Mageza-Barthel, Rirhandu ; 2013 ; Neue Ansätze zivilgesellschaftlicher Geschlechterpolitik: Chinesisch-afrikanische Kooperationen zur Bekämpfung von Frauenarmut ; S2-C: New Approaches to Transnational Gender Politics: Chinese-African Collaboration, S2-C: Neue Ansätze transnationaler Geschlechterpolitik: Chinesisch-Afrikanische Kooperationen ; Eröffnungszeremonie des AFRASO-Projekts ; Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
South Africa and China - Politics and Perspective ; Mageza-Barthel, Rirhandu & John Njenga Karugia, SoSe 2015 ; S2-C: New Approaches to Transnational Gender Politics: Chinese-African Collaboration, S2-C: Neue Ansätze transnationaler Geschlechterpolitik: Chinesisch-Afrikanische Kooperationen, S4-A: Indian Ocean Imaginaries in East African Literature and Oral Culture, S4-A: Imaginationen des Indischen Ozeans in der ostafrikanischen Literatur und Oralkultur, S4-B: The Indian Ocean as Memory Space, S4-B: Der Indische Ozean als Erinnerungsraum ; SoSe 2015 ; Goethe University Frankfurt
Uta Ruppert und Rirhandu Mageza-Barthel ; 2017 ; Input ; Workshop “Researching South-South Development Cooperation: Critical reflections on epistemological and methodological challenges” ; ”. Centre for Research in Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH), University of Cambridge, UK und Globalisation, Transnationalism and Development Research Group, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Maastricht
Mageza-Barthel, Rirhandu ; 2014 ; Gender(ed) Matters: Revisiting Chinese-African Relations ; S2-C: New Approaches to Transnational Gender Politics: Chinese-African Collaboration ; Chinese in Africa/Africans in China (CA/AC) Research Network Conference ; Guangzhou, China
Mageza-Barthel, Rirhandu ; Gender Politics in Africa: International Dimensions, WiSe 2013/14 ; S2-C: New Approaches to Transnational Gender Politics: Chinese-African Collaboration, S2-C: Neue Ansätze transnationaler Geschlechterpolitik: Chinesisch-Afrikanische Kooperationen ; Goethe University Frankfurt
Mageza-Barthel, Rirhandu ; 2015 ; From the Margins to the Centre? New Perspectives on Sino-African Relations ; S2-C: New Approaches to Transnational Gender Politics: Chinese-African Collaboration, S2-C: Neue Ansätze transnationaler Geschlechterpolitik: Chinesisch-Afrikanische Kooperationen ; International Studies Association: Global IR and Regional Worlds: A New Agenda for International Studies ; New Orleans
Mageza-Barthel, Rirhandu ; 2015 ; From Sisterhood to Friendship: African Women’s Movements in Chinese-African Relations ; S2-C: New Approaches to Transnational Gender Politics: Chinese-African Collaboration ; African-Asian Encounters (II): Re-Thinking African-Asian Relationships: Changing Realities – New Concepts ; Cape Town, South Africa
Ruppert, Uta & Rirhandu Mageza-Barthel ; 2014 ; Feminism(s) Prospects in Africa: Perspectives on Transformation and Stabilization ; S2-C: New Approaches to Transnational Gender Politics: Chinese-African Collaboration ; Fourth Global International Studies Conference ; Goethe University Frankfurt
Mageza-Barthel, Rirhandu ; 2015 ; Decolonizing Epistemologies, Methodologies and Ethics: Postcolonial-Feminist Interventions ; S2-C: New Approaches to Transnational Gender Politics: Chinese-African Collaboration ; Decolonizing Epistemologies, Methodologies and Ethics: Postcolonial-Feminist Interventions ; Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
Mageza-Barthel, Rirhandu ; Africa in World Politics / African World Politics, SoSe 2016 ; S2-C: New Approaches to Transnational Gender Politics: Chinese-African Collaboration, S2-C: Neue Ansätze transnationaler Geschlechterpolitik: Chinesisch-Afrikanische Kooperationen ; Goethe University Frankfurt
Rirhandu Mageza-Barthel ; 2017 ; A Gendered Perspective: South African Social Movements in African-Chinese Relations ; ISA-GSCIS Workshop Exploring the Local in International Relations ; International Studies Association, University of Havana, Kuba
Rirhandu Mageza-Barthel und Uta Ruppert ; 2017 ; A Feminist Take on Transregionalization: Identifying Modes of Engagement in Sino-African Relations ; 6th Annual IFJP Conference “Walking the Talk: Feminist Reflections on International Practices” ; South Asian University, New Delhi, India




2015. Mobilizing Transnational Gender Politics in Post-Genocide Rwanda (Gender in a Global/Local World Series) Farnham/Burlington: Ashgate.

Edited Books

2016. Negotiating Normativity: Postcolonial Appropriations, Contestations and Transformations (edited jointly with Nikita Dhawan, Elisabeth Fink & Johanna Leinius). New York: Springer US.

Book Chapters and Journal Articles

in preparation. ‘From Sisterhood to Friendship: African Women’s Movements in Chinese-African Relations’, African East-Asian Affairs.

2016. 'Normative Legitimacy and Normative Dilemmas: Postcolonial Interventions', in Nikita Dhawan, Elisabeth Fink, Johanna Leinius and Rirhandu Mageza-Barthel (eds) Negotiating Normativity: Postcolonial Appropriations, Contestations and Transformations. New York: Springer. (jointly with Nikita Dhawan, Elisabeth Fink & Johanna Leinius)

2016. ‘Geschlechtergerechtigkeit unter postkolonialen und post-konflikt Bedingungen?’, in Aram Ziai (ed) Postkoloniale Politikwissenschaft. Theoretische und empirische Zugänge. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag.

2016. ‘Beyond the State in Sino-African Relations? Reflections on Civil Society Interactions’ in Arndt Graf and Azirah Hashim (eds) African Asian Encounters: New Cooperations, New Dependencies. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.

2015. 'Solange wir streiten, sind wir auf dem richtigen Weg!', in Grenzüberschreitend - Anti-Rassismus im Süden. Iz3w – Informationszentrum Dritte Welt. Ausgabe 350. Freiburg, S. 2-4. (jointly with María do Mar Castro Varela and Albert Scherr)

 2015. 'Tracing Women's Rights after Genocide: The Case of Rwanda’, in Annick T.R. Wibben (ed.) Researching War: Feminist Methods, Ethics and Politics (Interventions Series). London: Routledge.

2012. 'Asserting their Presence! Women's Quest for Transitional Justice in Post-Genocide Rwanda', in Buckley-Zistel, Susanne, Ruth Stanley (eds) Gender in Transitional Justice (Governance and Limited Statehood Series). Basingstoke/New York: 163-190.

2009. 'Gleichheit oder Gleichgültigkeit? Vom Ende der Regenbogennation', femina politica. Zeitschrift für feministische Politikwissenschaft 2/2009: 74-84 (jointly with Beatrix Schwarzer).

2008. 'International Norms: An Entry Ticket to Women's National Representation?' in Camus, Celine et al. (eds) Im Zeichen des Geschlechts: Repräsentationen, Konstruktionen, Interventionen. Königstein/Taunus: 171 – 185.

2007. 'Beyond the Merely Possible – Transnational Women's Movements Today/ Mehr als nur das Machbare – Aktuelle Ansätze transnationaler Frauenbewegungspolitik', femina politica. Zeitschrift für feministische Politikwissenschaft 1/2007: 153-155.

2003. 'Petition of the Native and Coloured Women of the Province of the Orange Free State 1912', in Daymond, M. J. et al. (eds) Women Writing Africa: The Southern Region (The Women Writing Africa Project, Vol. 1). New York: 158-159.