Lecture by Dr. John Njenga Karugia: “African Memories of Visits to China”

15. Januar 2015
Konfuzius-Institut, Dantestraße 9, 60325 Frankfurt


 15 January 2015, 6 p.m.

Dr. John Njenga Karugia: African Memories to Visits of China

Thousands of Africans in Chinese cities and villages are involved in all manner of activities from artists, musicians, teachers, university students, traders etc. Despite an exponential increase in their population in the last 15 years, African presence in China is not a new phenomenon. This presentation will discuss memories of journeys made by Africans to China from the 1950s to the present. This will provide insights into former and current interactions between Africans and Chinese as well as perceptions and attitudes of Africans and Chinese towards each other during such visits. Especially important in terms of Memory Studies is the purpose and impact such memories when rekindled or reactivated in contemporary relations between China and Africa.

Der Vortrag wird in englischer Sprache gehalten!

Kostenbeitrag: € 5,-- / € 3,--

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