
veit.bachmann's picture

Project / Institute / Department: 

Department of Human Geography

Additional Address Information: 

PEG-Gebäude, Room 2.G025

Street / P.O. Box: 

Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6

Postcode (ZIP Code): 



Frankfurt am Main




+49 69 798 35167

AFRASO Publications: 


Talks / Lectures: 

Veit Bachmann ; 2016 to 2017 ; „Development“ und Süd-Nordbeziehungen ; Seminar im Masterstudiengang: „Geographien der Globalisierung“ ; Institut für Humangeographie, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Veit Bachmann ; 2017 ; Towards a Constructive Critical Geopolitics ; Pre-Conference „Politische Geographie“, Deutscher Kongress für Geographie ; Tübingen
Veit Bachmann ; 2017 ; Relevanz (in) der Critical Geopolitics ; Neue Kulturgeographie XIV ; Bayreuth
Veit Bachmann ; 2017 ; "Making Development“ in Afrika: Geographische Entwicklungsforschung aus Sicht der Critical Geopolitics ; Institut für Ethnologie ; Goethe-Universität Frankfurt


Recent journal articles:

Bachmann, Veit. 2016. Spaces of Interaction: Enactments of Sociospatial Relations and an Emerging EU Diplomacy in Kenya. Territory, Politics, Governance (im Druck)

Rouland, Betty and Veit Bachmann. 2015. Tunisia in 2030: Perspectives and Geopolitical Challenges of a Country in Transition. The Arab World Geographer 18 (1-2): 31-38

Bachmann, Veit. 2015. Global Europa, ESPON and the EU’s regulated spaces of interaction. Journal of European Integration 37 (6): 685-703

Bachmann, Veit, Jason Dittmer, Sallie Marston, Anne-Laure Amilhat-Szary, Alec Murphy, Merje Kuus. 2015. Bureaucratic fields and the Brussels machinery: Reading Merje Kuus' Geopolitics and Expertise. Political Geography 44: 19-28


Recent books: 

Bachmann, Veit. 2016. European External Action: the making of EU diplomacy in Kenya. Farnham: Ashgate

Bachmann, Veit and Martin Müller. 2015. Perceptions of the EU in Eastern Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa. Looking in from the Outside. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan