2018 ;
Evaluation of stakeholder surveys 2017-2018 by means of questionnaires on the topic of “Aligning EU Cooperation with resource-rich developing countries” ;
EU Horizon 2020, Strategic Dialogue on Sustainable Raw Materials for Europe, STRADE
2018 ;
“Eurafrica” is Dead: In Fact, It Never Existed. ;
EuropeNow ;
2018 ;
Institutional power Ubiquitous Confucius Institutes spread the influence of China’s Communist government abroad under the guise of teaching language and culture ;
WORLD Magazine ;
28.04.2018 ;
2018 ;
Smart Cities in Africa: Knowledge Production and Knowledge Transfer for Megacities ;
Habari ;
4 ;
2018 ;
Connective Afrasian Sea memories: Transregional imaginaries, memory politics, and complexities of national “belonging” ;
Memory Studies Special Issue ;
Astrid Erll and Ann Rigney ;
11 ;
2018 ;
“Even the dead have human rights”: A conversation with Homi K. Bhabha ;
Journal of Postcolonial Writing ; ;
DOI: 10.1080/17449855.2018.1446682
2018 ;
“Even the dead have human rights”: A conversation with Homi K. Bhabha ;
Journal of Postcolonial Writing ; ;
DOI: 10.1080/17449855.2018.1446682
2018 ;
Evaluation of stakeholder surveys 2017-2018 by means of questionnaires on the topic of “Aligning EU Cooperation with resource-rich developing countries” ;
EU Horizon 2020, Strategic Dialogue on Sustainable Raw Materials for Europe, STRADE
2018 ;
Country Case Studies: The mining sector of Rwanda and Democratic Republic of Congo ;
EU Horizon 2020, Strategic Dialogue on Sustainable Raw Materials for Europe, STRADE ;
2018 ;
Institutional power Ubiquitous Confucius Institutes spread the influence of China’s Communist government abroad under the guise of teaching language and culture ;
WORLD Magazine ;
28.04.2018 ;
2018 ;
Evaluation of stakeholder surveys 2017-2018 by means of questionnaires on the topic of “Aligning EU Cooperation with resource-rich developing countries” ;
EU Horizon 2020, Strategic Dialogue on Sustainable Raw Materials for Europe, STRADE
2018 ;
Country Case Studies: The mining sector of Rwanda and Democratic Republic of Congo ;
EU Horizon 2020, Strategic Dialogue on Sustainable Raw Materials for Europe, STRADE ;
2018 ;
“Even the dead have human rights”: A conversation with Homi K. Bhabha ;
Journal of Postcolonial Writing ; ;
DOI: 10.1080/17449855.2018.1446682
2017 ;
Ist der „Osten“ für Afrika der bessere „Westen“? ;
Portal für Politikwissenschaft ;
2017 ;
Together and Apart: Transnational Feminist Activism and Solidarity in Asia ;
Asian Feminisms and Transnational Activism ;
Pilwha Chang ;
Seoul: Ewha Womans University Press
2017 ;
Westafrika – Geographische Studienreisen in Bénin, Burkina Faso und Togo ;
Institut für Physische Geographie & Frankfurter Geographische Gesellschaft
2017 ;
How not to Fall in Love: Mistrust in Online Romance Scams ;
Mistrust: Ethnographic Approximations ;
Florian Mühlfired ;
Bielefeld: transcript ;
2017 ;
The Chinese Presence in the Malian Mediascape ;
Special issue “China-Africa Media Interactions”. Journal of African Cultural Studies ;
Ute Röschenthaler and Alessandro Jedlowski ;
29,1 ;
2017 ;
Ethiopia’s Asian Options – A Collage of African and Asian Entanglements ;
Insight on Africa ;
9,2 ;
2017 ;
African-Asian Encounters: New Cooperations and New Dependencies ;
International Institute for Asian Studies Series (Global Asia) ;
Arndt Graf and Azirah Hashim ;
7 ;
Amsterdam University Press
2017 ;
Academic Journey ;
Malay Literature ;
30 ; ;
2017 ;
Does new Sino-African cooperation create new dependencies? The case of higher education and media cooperation ;
African Asian Encounters: New Cooperations and New Dependencies ;
Arndt Graf and Azirah Hashim ;
International Institute for Asian Studies Series (Global Asia 7) ;
Amsterdam University Press ;
2017 ;
African-Asian Encounters: New Cooperations and New Dependencies ;
International Institute for Asian Studies Series (Global Asia) ;
Arndt Graf and Azirah Hashim ;
7 ;
Amsterdam University Press
2017 ;
China-Africa Media Interactions: Media and popular culture between business and state intervention. Introduction to the special Issue “China-Africa Media Interactions” ;
Journal of African Cultural Studies ;
Ute Röschenthaler and Alessandro Jedlowski ;
29,1 ;
2017 ;
Special Issue “China-Africa Media Interactions” ;
Journal of African Cultural Studies ;
Röschenthaler, Ute und Jedlowski, Alessandro ;
2017 ;
Landscapes of opportunity, mobility and entrepreneurial perspectives ;
Mobility between Africa, Asia and Latin America: Economic networks, cultural interaction and aspirations of success ;
Röschenthaler, Ute und Jedlowski, Alessandro ;
London: Zed Books ;
2017 ;
Mobility between Africa, Asia and Latin America: Economic networks, cultural interaction and aspirations of success ;
Ute Röschenthaler and Alessandro Jedlowski ;
London: Zed Books
2017 ;
Indischer Ozean ;
Handbuch Postkolonialismus und Literatur. ;
Hg. von Dirk Göttsche, Axel Dunker und Gabriele Dürbeck ;
Metzler ;
2017 ;
Interaktionsraum Indischer Ozean ;
Handbuch Postkolonialismus und Literatur ;
Dirk Göttsche, Axel Dunker und Gabriele Dürbeck ;
Stuttgart: Metzler ;
2017 ;
Beyond the State in Sino-African Relations? Locating Civil Society Interactions ;
African Asian Encounters: New Cooperations and New Dependencies ;
Arndt Graf und Azirah Hashim ;
International Institute for Asian Studies Series (Global Asia 7) ;
Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press ;
2017 ;
Ethiopia’s Asian Options – A Collage of African and Asian Entanglements ;
Insight on Africa ;
9,2 ;
2017 ;
Facing the China challenge: Cameroonians between discontent and popular admiration ;
China and Africa: A new Paradigm of Global Business ;
Young-Chan, Kim ;
London: Palgrave ;
2017 ;
Copying, branding, and the ethical implications of rights in immaterial cultural goods ;
Media Law, Ethics, and Policy in the Digital Age ;
Nhamo Anthony Mhiripiri und Tendai Chari ;
2017 ;
Landscapes of opportunity, mobility and entrepreneurial perspectives ;
Mobility between Africa, Asia and Latin America: Economic networks, cultural interaction and aspirations of success ;
Röschenthaler, Ute und Jedlowski, Alessandro ;
London: Zed Books ;
2017 ;
Mobility between Africa, Asia and Latin America: Economic networks, cultural interaction and aspirations of success ;
Ute Röschenthaler and Alessandro Jedlowski ;
London: Zed Books
2017 ;
African Businesses in Malaysia: “You just have to be smart” to survive ;
Mobility between Africa, Asia and Latin America: Economic networks, cultural interaction and aspirations of success. ;
Ute Röschenthaler und Alessandro Jedlowski ;
London: Zed Books ;
2017 ;
Special Issue “China-Africa Media Interactions” ;
Journal of African Cultural Studies ;
Röschenthaler, Ute und Jedlowski, Alessandro ;
2017 ;
In Constant Search of Money to Survive: African Youths in Malaysia ;
African-Asian Encounters: New Cooperations and New Dependencies ;
Arndt Graf and Azirah Hashim ;
International Institute for Asian Studies Series (Global Asia 7) ;
Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press ;
2017 ;
The Chinese Presence in the Malian Mediascape ;
Special issue “China-Africa Media Interactions”. Journal of African Cultural Studies ;
Ute Röschenthaler and Alessandro Jedlowski ;
29,1 ;
2017 ;
China-Africa Media Interactions: Media and popular culture between business and state intervention. Introduction to the special Issue “China-Africa Media Interactions” ;
Journal of African Cultural Studies ;
Ute Röschenthaler and Alessandro Jedlowski ;
29,1 ;
2017 ;
Westafrika – Geographische Studienreisen in Bénin, Burkina Faso und Togo ;
Institut für Physische Geographie & Frankfurter Geographische Gesellschaft
2017 ;
Das Bessere im Transnationalen? Über den Südwind in der Geschlechterpolitik ;
Dauerkämpfe. Feministische Zeitdiagnosen und Strategien ;
Brigitte Bargetz, Eva Kreisky und Gundula Ludwig ;
Campus: Frankfurt/New York ;
2017 ;
Branding higher education: The case of Malaysian higher education promotion on the Internet ;
Kajian Malaysia ;
35,2 ;
2017 ;
Ist der „Osten“ für Afrika der bessere „Westen“? ;
Portal für Politikwissenschaft ;
2017 ;
Englischsprachige Literaturen ;
Handbuch Postkolonialismus und Literatur ;
Dirk Göttsche, Axel Dunker und Gabriele Dürbeck ;
Stuttgart: Metzler ;
2017 ;
Facing the China challenge: Cameroonians between discontent and popular admiration ;
China and Africa: A new Paradigm of Global Business ;
Young-Chan, Kim ;
London: Palgrave ;
2017 ;
Ethiopia’s Asian Options – A Collage of African and Asian Entanglements ;
Insight on Africa ;
9,2 ;
2016 ;
Malaysia’s niche in international higher education: Targeting Muslim-majority, Commonwealth, and less-developed countries. ;
TRaNS: Trans-Regional and -National Studies of Southeast Asia ;
4(1) ;
Cambridge University Press ;
2016 ;
Introduction to the Issue: Student Mobility within Southeast Asia. ;
TRaNS: Trans-Regional and - National Studies of Southeast Asia ;
4 (1) ;
Cambridge University Press ;
2016 ;
Student Mobility in Southeast Asia ;
TRaNS: Trans-Regional and -National Studies of Southeast Asia ;
4 (1), Special Issue
2016 ;
How China Understands Public Diplomacy: The Importance of National Image for National Interests ;
International Studies Review ;
2016 ;
Chinese Public Diplomacy: The Rise of the Confucius Institute. Oxon/New York ;
Hartig, Falk ;
Routledge ;
Oxon / New York
2016 ;
Indian Ocean Mega Projects in East Africa vs. Human Rights ;
Megaprojekte Contra Menschenrechte - Fortschritt um jeden Preis? ;
Braun, Naima ;
No. 4 ;
Tanzania-Network ;
2016 ;
Chinese Migration to Tanzania: The Political Economy of Chinese Migration to Tanzania in a Transnational and Translocal Context ;
Mkuki na Nyota Publishers ;
Dar es Salaam; 454
2016 ;
Introduction to the Issue: Student Mobility within Southeast Asia. ;
TRaNS: Trans-Regional and - National Studies of Southeast Asia ;
4 (1) ;
Cambridge University Press ;
2016 ;
Student Mobility in Southeast Asia ;
TRaNS: Trans-Regional and -National Studies of Southeast Asia ;
4 (1), Special Issue
2015 ;
Domestic structures, foreign economic policies and global economic order: Implications from the rise of large emerging economies. ;
European Journal of International Relations ;
21 (3) ;
2015 ;
Bildet sich in den Schwellenländern eine neue Form des Kapitalismus heraus? Implikationen für die Weltwirtschaftsordnung ;
Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft ;
25 (1) ;
2015 ;
Bildet sich in den Schwellenländern eine neue Form des Kapitalismus heraus? Implikationen für die Weltwirtschaftsordnung ;
Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft ;
25 (1) ;
2015 ;
Domestic structures, foreign economic policies and global economic order: Implications from the rise of large emerging economies. ;
European Journal of International Relations ;
21 (3) ;
2015 ;
中国的软实力与非洲的孔子学院 (China’s Soft Power and Confucius Institutes in Africa) ;
非洲黄皮书非洲发展报告No.17(2014~2015)(Yellow Book of Africa: Annual Report on Development in Africa) ;
Institute of West Asian and African Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences ;
Social Science Academic Press ;
Beijing ;
2015 ;
Communicating China to the World: Confucius Institutes and China's Strategic Narratives ;
Politics ;
35 (3-4) ;
2015 ;
China’s Confucius Institutes aren’t perfect but have much to offer Africa ;
The Conversation ;
December 3, 2015 ;
2015 ;
Die entscheidende Rolle der Außendarstellung - Chinas Gesicht in seiner Auswärtigen Kulturpolitik ;
Kultur und Außenpolitik Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Praxis ;
Kurt-Jürgen Maaß ;
Nomos ;
2015 ;
China’s Re-emergence: Reasons, Consequences and Prospects ;
Europe-Asia Studies ;
67 (10) ;
2015 ;
Missing Links, Missing Markets: Evidence of the Transformation Economic Networks of Gambian Villages ;
World Development ;
66 ;
2015 ;
“Tazara Memory in Africa’s Contemporary Politics of Dignity” ;
(当代非洲政治尊严中的坦赞回忆), International Aid Journal ;
5th 2015 (6th in general) [2015年第5期,总第6期] ;
Beijing, 18-25
2015 ;
China’s Automotive Industry: Structural Impediments to Socio-economic Rebalancing ;
International Journal of Automotive Management and Technology ;
Dr. Giuseppe Giulio Calabrese ;
Vol. 15 ;
Inderscience Publishers
2015 ;
Mobilizing Transnational Gender Politics in Post-Genocide Rwanda (Gender in a Global/Local World Series) Farnham/Burlington: Ashgate. ;
Mageza-Barthel, Rirhandu ;
Ashgate ;
Farnham / Burlington
2015 ;
Bildet sich in den Schwellenländern eine neue Form des Kapitalismus heraus? Implikationen für die Weltwirtschaftsordnung ;
Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft ;
25 (1) ;
2015 ;
Rising Powers and Transnational Private Governance. The International Accounting Standards Board ;
Rising Powers and Multilateral Institutions ;
Lesage, Dries & Thijs Van de Graaf ;
Palgrave Macmillan ;
Basingstoke & New York ;
2015 ;
Introduction - Second Image Revisited: The Domestic Sources of China’s Foreign Economic Policies. ;
International Politics ;
52 (6) ;
2015 ;
Domestic structures, foreign economic policies and global economic order: Implications from the rise of large emerging economies. ;
European Journal of International Relations ;
21 (3) ;
2015 ;
Second Image Revisited: The Domestic Sources of China’s Foreign Economic Policies, ;
International Politics ;
Special issue: 52 (6)
2015 ;
Bildet sich in den Schwellenländern eine neue Form des Kapitalismus heraus? Implikationen für die Weltwirtschaftsordnung ;
Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft ;
25 (1) ;
2015 ;
Transformation of the Higher Education System in Malaysia: APEX Initiative and World Class University ;
Samokhvalova, Alexandra ;
Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia Press ;
Bandar Baru Nilai
2015 ;
Once Were Internationalists? Postcolonialism, Disenchanted Solidarity and the Right to Belong in a World of Globalized Modernity ;
Reworking Postcolonial-ism: Globalization, Labour and Rights ;
Malreddy, Pavan Kumar; Heidemann, Birte; Laursen, Ole Birk & Janet Wilson ;
Palgrave Macmillan ;
London & New York ;
2015 ;
Domestic structures, foreign economic policies and global economic order: Implications from the rise of large emerging economies. ;
European Journal of International Relations ;
21 (3) ;
2015 ;
China’s Automotive Industry: Structural Impediments to Socio-economic Rebalancing ;
International Journal of Automotive Management and Technology ;
Dr. Giuseppe Giulio Calabrese ;
Vol. 15 ;
Inderscience Publishers
2014 ;
Von Pappkameraden, diffusen Bedenken und einer alten Debatte: Gedanken zur Bedeutung von regionaler Spezialisierung und Area Studies in der Geographie ;
Geographische Zeitschrift ;
1/2014 ;
2014 ;
From District Six to District 9 and Back: The Plurimedial Production of Travelling Schemata ;
de Cesari, Chiara & Ann Rigney ;
Transnational Memory: Circulation, Articulation, Scales ;
de Gruyter ;
Berlin/New York ;
2014 ;
Japan's Food Security Issues: A Geopolitical Challenge for Africa and East Asia? ;
Journal of Global Initiatives: Policy, Pedagogy, Perspective: Vol. 9: No. 1, Article 7 ;
2014 ;
Confucius Institutes and the network communication approach to public diplomacy ;
The IAFOR Journal of Asian Studies ;
1 (1) ;
2014 ;
The Globalization of Chinese Soft Power: Confucius Institutes in South Africa ;
CPD Perspectives on Public Diplomacy: Confucius Institutes and the Globalization of China’s Soft Power ;
Jian Wang ;
Figueroa Press ;
Los Angeles ;
2014 ;
New Public Diplomacy Meets Old Public Diplomacy – the Case of China and Its Confucius Institutes. ;
New Global Studies ;
8 (3) ;
2014 ;
Ungeschickte Weltmacht: China möchte sein Image verbessern – und steht sich dabei selbst im Weg ;
Internationale Politik ;
November/Dezember 2014 ;
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik ;
2014 ;
Confucius Institutes as innovative tools of China’s cultural diplomacy ;
Chinese Politics and International Relations: Innovation and Invention ;
Nicola Horsburgh, Astrid Nordin, Shaun Breslin ;
Routledge Warwick Studies in Globalisation ;
New York ;
2014 ;
Chinas Geopolitik und ihre kulturelle Unterstützung ;
WIKA-Report Kulturelle Faktoren der Geopolitik ;
Bauer, Gerd Ulrich; Thum, Bernd ;
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen ;
2014 ;
Konfuzius sagt: Klasse statt Masse ;
Kulturaustausch-Zeitschrift für internationale Perspektiven ;
II/2014 ;
2014 ;
Confucius Institutes and the network communication approach to public diplomacy ;
The IAFOR Journal of Asian Studies ;
1 (1) ;
2014 ;
Geological resources, nature of mining and interest of Asian companies to invest in Cameroon and Central African Republic (CAR) ;
Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie ;
Teil 1 (1) ;
2014 ;
Geological resources, nature of mining and interest of Asian companies to invest in Cameroon and Central African Republic (CAR) ;
Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie ;
Teil 1 (1) ;
2014 ;
Africa’s Asian Options: Indian Ocean Imaginaries in East African Literature ;
Beyond the Line: Cultural Constructions of the Southern Oceans ;
Michael Mann, Ines Phaf-Rheinberger ;
Neofelis ;
Berlin ;
2014 ;
University Boom in Ethiopia and Professional Abundance in India: A New Wave of High-Skill Migration to Africa? ;
The Age of Asian Migration. Continuity, Diversity, and Susceptibility ;
Yuk Wah Chan, David Haines and Jonathan Lee ;
Cambridge Scholars Publishing ;
2014 ;
From Ancient Trade Routes to Cooperation in Higher Education Indo-Ethiopian Relations and India’s Role in Ethiopia’s University Boom ;
Journal of Sociology and Social and Social Anthropology. SpecialVolume: AFRICA AND INDIA IN THE 21ST CENTURY: CONTEXTS, COMPARISONS AND COOPERATION ;
Anand Singh and Nandini Sen ;
Special Issue of Journal of Sociology and social Anthropology - No. 4 ;
Kre Publishers ;
Kre Publishers ;
2014 ;
Von Pappkameraden, diffusen Bedenken und einer alten Debatte: Gedanken zur Bedeutung von regionaler Spezialisierung und Area Studies in der Geographie ;
Geographische Zeitschrift ;
1/2014 ;
2014 ;
Translokalität als sedimentierte Praxis: Getrieben von der Geschichte des Indischen Ozeans ;
Geographische Rundschau ;
11 ;
2013 ;
Konfuzius, Schumpeter und die chinesischen Medien – wie China versucht, seine Sicht der Dinge zu verbreiten ;
China in den Augen deutscher Medienbotschafter ;
Oliver Radtke ;
New Star Press ;
Peking ;
2013 ;
Unreliable Truths: Transcultural Homeworlds in Indian Women’s Fiction of the Diaspora. ;
Helff, Sissy ;
Rodopi. Pb ;
Amsterdam/New York
2013 ;
Landgeschäfte zwischen Chance (land investment) und Risiko (land grabbing) ;
Geographie und Schule ;
201, 35 ;
2013 ;
Landgeschäfte zwischen Chance (land investment) und Risiko (land grabbing) ;
Geographie und Schule ;
201, 35 ;
2013 ;
La Chine est-elle un acteur majeur de l’accaparement des terres en Afrique?Passerelles ;
Passerelles ;
Volume 14, Numéro 4 ;
2013 ;
Sino-afrikanische Beziehungen im Agrarbereich. Gibt es ein chinesisches land grabbing in Afrika? ;
Chinas Expansion in Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländern (Veröffentlichungen des Interdisziplinären Arbeitskreises Dritte Welt) ;
Meyer, G., Muno, W. & Brand, A. ;
Interdisziplinären Arbeitskreis Dritte Welt
2013 ;
Wanderer jenseits des "Westens". "AFRASO" untersucht Mobilität von Personen, Ideen und Konzepten zwischen Afrika und Asien ;
Forschung Frankfurt ;
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt ;
2, 2013 ;
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt ; ;
2013 ;
Indian academics in Ethiopia: South-south migration of highly skilled Indians ;
Diaspora Studies ;
Volume 6, issue 2 ;
Taylor and Francis