
Karugia, John Njenga ; 06. Mai 2016 ; Travelling Afrasian Objects ; 27th GAPS Annual Conference, "The Postcolonial and the Material" ; University of Augsburg
Karugia, John Njenga ; 03. Mai 2016 ; Afrasian Memory Interviews: Complexities in Afrasian Spaces ; Working with Orality: Interviewing as a Methodology of Memory Studies, Frankfurt Memory Studies Platform, ; University of Frankfurt
Karugia, John Njenga ; 14. Januar 2016 ; Contested Heritage Politics Across the Indian Ocean ; Indian Ocean Study Group, Connectivity in Motion: Port Cities of the Indian Ocean, Max-Planck Institut für Ethnologische Forschung ; Martin Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Thubauville, Sophia ; 11. Januar 2016 ; Migration of Indian Academics. Chance or risk for Ethiopia’s university sector? ; Diaspora and International Migration In Development: Comparative Global Experiences ; JNU, New Delhi
Karugia, John Njenga ; 10. Dezember 2015 ; Indischer Ozean ; Expertentreffen Indischer Ozean, Expertenkreis zur Region Indischer Ozean ; Auswärtiges Amt, Berlin
Runge, Jürgen ; 07. Dezember 2015 ; Going for Gold - Naturraum, Nutzungspotentiale und Konflikte in Zentralafrika (Kamerun, ZAR) ; Gießener Geographische Gesellschaft (GGG), Gießen
Beek, Jan & Julia Verne ; 04. Dezember 2015 ; Introduction: Geteilte Forschung ; Workshop Shared/Divided Research ; Goethe University, Frankfurt
Beek, Jan & Mirko Göpfert ; 04. Dezember 2015 ; Gemeinsam ethnologisch forschen: Feldgeschichten teilen ; Workshop Shared/Divided Research ; Goethe University, Frankfurt
Karugia, John Njenga ; 04. Dezember 2015 ; Wissensproduktion in der geteilten transregionalen Forschung ; Workshop: Geteilte Forschung: Epistrmologische Herausforderungen gemeinsamen Forschens in transregionalen Zusammenhängen ; Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Mageza-Barthel, Rirhandu; Tutzer, Mirjam ; 03. Dezember 2015 bis 05. Dezember 2015 ; Solidarität und Forschen ; Geteilte Forschung. Epistemologische Herausforderungen gemeinsamen Forschens in transregionalen Zusammenhängen ; Frankfurt am Main
Karugia, John Njenga ; 26. November 2015 ; Towards a Braver History of the Indian Ocean ; International Conference: Relations and Networks in Indian Ocean Writing ; Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Barcelona
Diawara, Mamadou ; 12. November 2015 bis 14. November 2015 ; The Time-Tested Traditionist: Intellectual Trajectory and Mediation from the Early Empires to the Present Day. Landscapes, Sources and Intellectual Projects: Politics, History and the West African Past ; Department of African Studies and Anthropology (DASA) and Centre of West African Studies (CWAS), University of Birmingham
Karugia, John Njenga ; 12. November 2015 ; The Indian Ocean as Memory Space ; Forschungskolloquium Forum INPUTS ‘Imaginary Homelands: (Forced) Migration and Diaspora in Postcolonial Cultures, Literatures and Languages, ; Institut für Poskoloniale & Transkulturelle Studien, Universität Bremen, Bremen
Verne, Julia ; 16. Oktober 2015 ; The Art of Hubbing: The Role of Small Islands in Indian Ocean Connectivity ; MPI für Sozialanthropologie, Halle
Röschenthaler, Ute & Julia Binter ; 03. Oktober 2015 ; Trade, crisis and cultural entrepreneurship in the Niger Delta and the Cross River Region ; Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde (DGV) ; Marburg
Beek, Jan ; 30. September 2015 ; How to tell believable stories in times of crisis: Email interactions in African cyber fraud ; DGV conference ; Marburg
Karugia, John Njenga ; 25. September 2015 ; Connective Indian Ocean Memories: Towards a Braver Indian Ocean History ; International NITMES Conference, Provincializing European Memory, Frankfurt Memory Studies Platform ; Goethe Frankfurt University
Eckl, Frauke; Mageza-Barthel, Rirhandu & Thubauville, Sophia (panel convenors) ; 25. August 2015 ; South Korean-Ethiopian Interactions ; 19th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies (ICES) ; Warsaw
Thubauville, Sophia ; 25. August 2015 ; Migration of Indian Academics. Chance or risk for Ethiopia’s university sector? ; ICES-Konferenz ; Warschau
