22. July 2014 to 26. July 2014
Braga/ Coimbra, Portugal

EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION FOR CHINESE STUDIES 20th Conference Braga/Coimbra 22-26 July 2014

The 20th Conference of the European Association of Chinese Studies will be held in Portugal in the cities of Braga and Coimbra between the 22nd and 26th July 2014. It is jointly organized by the University of Minho and the University of Coimbra, two beautiful historical locations, which will make it an unique conference.

The panels include: Art and Archeology Cinema, Media and Performing Arts Culture East-West Contact Economics Gender Studies History (pre-modern, modern) International Relations Law Linguistics Literature (pre-modern and modern) Macau Studies Philosophy and Religion Politics Sociology Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language Translation Studies In the July 2013 meeting held in Portugal, the Board nominated 50 referees who will evaluate the paper proposals submitted to the organizers so that the quality of the presentations and the panels will be guaranteed.

Among the highlights of the 2014 EACS Conference, there will be two keynote speeches: for the opening session in Braga, by Ambassador João de Deus Ramos, specialist in Sino-Portuguese Relations, consultant of Orient Foundation, and for the welcome session in Coimbra, given by Professor Ming K. Chan, visiting fellow of the Center for East Asian Studies, Stanford University.

Participants are invited to submit their proposals (individual papers and panels) online in English from September 16th to December 16th 2013, at the website.The abstract should not exceed 300 words, with an additional list of 5-8 key-words.

Important dates:

September 16 – December 16, 2013: Panels and individual papers abstract submission

Mach 17 – 21, 2014: Notification of acceptance

March 24 – May 31, 2014: Online registration

July 22 - 26, 2014: Conference