This project aims at investigating the motives and strategies underlying the political cooperation pattern(s) between Japan and Zambia. More specifically, the project addresses the conditions and challenges associated with the concept of ‘African Ownership’ which has been postulated as the Japanese approach to foreign aid policy. We investigate relevant domains such as research cooperation, non-for-profit interaction, trade and investment relations in which the concept of ownership can be observed and analysed. By conducting an in depth-case study the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) is our starting point in analysing the Japanese engagement in Zambia. The case study draws on two aspects. The principles of TICAD and its follow-up mechanism are analysed in the process of implementation through the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in Zambia. In addition, the learning aspect from the Japanese philosophy of Kaizen and business model plays an additional role in the research. Our interdisciplinary research team applies a triangulated method of the quantitative and qualitative social science research repertoire (expert interviews, narrative interviews participatory research and behavioural/experimental economics).
S3-F: African Ownership: More Than Cheap Talk? Japan‘s Foreign Aid Approach in Zambia
2015 ;
Rising Powers and Transnational Private Governance. The International Accounting Standards Board ;
Rising Powers and Multilateral Institutions ;
Lesage, Dries & Thijs Van de Graaf ;
Palgrave Macmillan ;
Basingstoke & New York ;
2015 ;
Introduction - Second Image Revisited: The Domestic Sources of China’s Foreign Economic Policies. ;
International Politics ;
52 (6) ;
2015 ;
Domestic structures, foreign economic policies and global economic order: Implications from the rise of large emerging economies. ;
European Journal of International Relations ;
21 (3) ;
2015 ;
Bildet sich in den Schwellenländern eine neue Form des Kapitalismus heraus? Implikationen für die Weltwirtschaftsordnung ;
Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft ;
25 (1) ;
Japanese philosophy in development co-operation: The Zambian case. ;
Wednesday, March 12, 2014 ;
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia