
juergen.runge's picture
Prof. Dr.

Jürgen Runge is a Professor of Physical Geography and Geoecology at Goethe-University with broad regional expertise on natural and human induced landscape dynamics in Sub-Saharan Africa. He is involed in applied questions on biodiversity, remote sensing, good governance, transparency, stakeholder and civil society dialogues and the impact of infrastructure and mining on tropical environments. In 2003 he was the founding director of the Centre for Interdisciplinary African Studies (CIAS/ZIAF). Between 2007-2010 he was the manager of a German technical cooperation project (BMZ/GIZ) on geological commodities in the CEMAC region of Central Africa were he worked as a consultant in extractive industries (e.g. implementing the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative, EITI). He is the editor in chief of the series Palaeoecology of Africa (www.crcpress.com/browse/series/?series_id=2674) and he is a member of the editorial boards of several scientific journals (e.g. Annals of Geomorphology, Geo-Öko-Dynamik).

Project / Institute / Department: 

Institut für Physische Geographie

Additional Address Information: 

Geozentrum, Raum 2.216

Street / P.O. Box: 

Altenhöferallee 1

Postcode (ZIP Code): 







+49 (0)69 798-40160

AFRASO I Projects: 

AFRASO Publications: 

Nguepjouo, Diderot, Runge, Jürgen ; 2014 ; Geological resources, nature of mining and interest of Asian companies to invest in Cameroon and Central African Republic (CAR) ; Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie ; Teil 1 (1) ; 195–213

Talks / Lectures: 

Runge, Jürgen ; 2015 ; Going for Gold - Naturraum, Nutzungspotentiale und Konflikte in Zentralafrika (Kamerun, ZAR) ; S1-C: African, Asian and International Actors in Central African Mining Sector (Cameroon & Central Africa Republic), S1-C: Afrikanische, asiatische und internationale Akteure im zentralafrikanischen Minensektor (Kamerun und Zentralafrikanische Republik) ; Gießener Geographische Gesellschaft (GGG), Gießen
Runge, Jürgen and Diderot Nguepjouo Megaptche ; 2014 ; African, Asian and international actors in the Central African mining sector. ; S1-C: African, Asian and International Actors in Central African Mining Sector (Cameroon & Central Africa Republic), S1-C: Afrikanische, asiatische und internationale Akteure im zentralafrikanischen Minensektor (Kamerun und Zentralafrikanische Republik) ; African-Asian Encounters (I): New Cooperatins - New Dependencies? ; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Runge, J. (2012): Landscape Evolution, Neotectonics and Quaternary Environmental Change in Southern Cameroon. Palaeoecology of Africa, 31, Taylor & Francis Publ. UK, pp. 1-291.

Runge, J. (2011): Africa’s Natural Resources, Transparency and Sustainable Management: Stories from the Ground… In: A.T. Salami & O.O.I. Orimoogunje (eds.): Environmental Research and Challenges of Sustainable Development in Nigeria. Obafemi Awolowo University Press, Ile-Ife, Nigeria, pp. 1-14 (ISBN 97-136-188-3).

Runge, J. & J. Shikwati (2011): Geological Resources and Good Governance in Sub-Saharan Africa. Holistic Approaches to Transparency and Sustainable Development in the Extractive Sector. Taylor & Francis Publ. UK, pp. 1-292.

Runge, J. & E. Becker (2011): Afrika 2010 - Natürliche Ressourcen und nachhaltige(?) Entwicklung. Zbl. Geol. Paläont. Teil I, Jg. 2009, 1/2: 1-129

Runge, J. (2010): African Palaeoenvironments and Geomorphic Landscape Evolution. Palaeoecology of Africa, 30, Taylor & Francis Publ. UK, pp. 1-306.

Runge, J. (2010): Geologische Ressourcen und Transparenz im Rohstoffsektor Zentralafrikas – eine GTZ Fallstudie. – Zbl. Geol. Paläont. Teil I, Jg. 2008, 1/2: 107-126.

Runge, J., Eisenberg, J. & M. Sangen (Hrsg.) (2009): Kamerun - ein physiogeographisches Profil. Große Geographische Exkursion des Instituts für Physische Geographie vom 02.01.-18.01.2009. Frankfurt am Main, pp. 1–184.

Runge, J. (2009): Der zentralafrikanische Regenwald: Ein sensitives Ökosystem im Spannungsfeld von forstwirtschaftlicher Nutzung und (sub-)rezenter Klimadynamik. In: R. Glaser, K. Kremb & A. Drescher (Hg.), Afrika, Planet Erde, WBG Darmstadt, 199-220.

Runge, J. (2009): Des déserts et des forêts, histoire du paysage et du climat de l’Afrique Centrale au Quaternaire Supérieur; "Of deserts and forests, Late Quaternary landscape and climate history of Central Africa" ; "Von Wüsten und Wäldern, Spätquartäre Landschafts- und Klimageschichte Zentralafrikas". Revue internationale de géologie, de géographie et d'écologie tropicales; Tome 1, pp. 1-18.

Baumhauer, R. & J. Runge (2009): Holocene Palaeoenvironmental History of the Central Sahara. Palaeoecology of Africa, 29, Taylor & Francis Publ. UK, pp. 1-274.

Runge, J. (2008): The Congo River, Central Africa. In: Gupta, A. (ed.) Large Rivers: Geomorphology and Management. J. Wiley & Sons, pp. 293–308.

Runge, J. (2008): Dynamics of forest ecosystems in Central Africa during the Holocene: Past – Present – Future. Palaeoecology of Africa, 28, Taylor & Francis Publ. UK, pp. 1–324.

Runge, J. (2007): Togo – ein physiogeographisches Profil. Große Geographische Exkursion des Instituts für Physische Geographie vom 30.09.-15.10.2006. Frankfurt am Main, pp. 1–216.

Runge, J., Eisenberg, J. & M. Sangen (2006): Geomorphic evolution of the Ntem alluvial basin and physiogeographic evidence for Holocene environmental changes in the rain forest of SW Cameroon (Central Africa). – Z.Geomorph. N.F., Suppl.-Bd., 145, pp. 63–79.

Runge, J. (2004/2005): Vom Diamantenkaiser Bokassa zum General Bozizé – eine zentralafrikanische Krisenregion aus geographischer Sicht. Heidelberger Geogr. Gesellschaft-Journal, 19+20, pp. 87–98.

Runge, J. & C.-R. Nguimalet (2005): Physiogeographic features of the Oubangui catchment and environmental trends reflected in discharge and floods at Bangui 1911-1999, Central African Republic. Geomorphology, 70, pp. 311–324.

Koko, M. & J. Runge (2004): La dégradation du milieu naturel en République Centrafricaine. Z. Geomorph., N.F., Suppl.-Bd., 133, pp. 19–47.

Runge, J. (2003): Stone-lines. In: Goudie, A. (ed.): Encyclopedia of Geomorphology. Routledge.

Runge, J. (2003): Rezente und vorzeitliche Dynamik an der Regenwald-Savannengrenze in Zentralafrika. Geo-Öko, 24: 137-152.

Runge, J. (2002): Holocene landscape history and palaeohydrology evidenced by stable carbon isotope (d13C) analysis of alluvial sediments in the Mbari valley (5°N/23°E), Central African Republic. Catena, 48, pp. 67–87.

Runge, J. (2002): Wie alt ist der Regenwald. Umweltgeschichtliche Forschungen im Kongobecken Zentralafrikas. – Forschung Frankfurt, 1-2, pp. 22–29.

Runge, J. (2002): Morphographic analysis of Inselbergs in Northern Togo (Westafrica) using high resolution DEMs derived from aerial photographs. In: Yang, X. (ed.): Desert and Alpine Environments. Advances in Geomorphology and Palaeoclimatology. China Ocean Press, Beijing, pp. 22–34.

Runge, J. & K. Lammers (2001): Bioturbation by termites and Late Quaternary landscape evolution on the Mbomou plateau of the Central African Republic. – Palaeoecology of Africa, 27: 153-169.

Runge, J. (2001): Jahrestagung der Afrikagruppe deutscher Geowissenschaftler, Paderborn 23.-24. Juni 2000. – Zbl. Geol. Paläont., Teil 1, 3/4: 275-441.

Runge, J. (2001): Landschaftsgenese und Paläoklima in Zentralafrika. Physiogeographische Untersuchungen zur klimagesteuerten quartären Vegetations- und Geomorphodynamik in Kongo-Zaire (Kivu, Kasai, Oberkongo) und der Zentralafrikanischen Republik (Mbomou) – Relief-Boden-Paläoklima, 17: 1-294.

Runge, J. (2001): On the age of stone-lines and hillwash sediments in the eastern Congo basin – palaeoenvironmental implications. – Palaeoecology of Africa, 27: 19-36.

Runge, J. (2001): Central African Palaeoclimates and Palaeoenvironments. Proceedings of the INQUA-Conference, Durban, South Africa, August 1999. – Palaeoecology of Africa, 27: 1-345., Balkema, Rotterdam, Brookfield.

Runge, J. (2001): ERS-1 SAR data – applied geological and geomorphological mapping for structural and civil engineering in rain forest areas of eastern D.R. Congo (Kivu), Central Africa. – Z. Geomorph., N.F., Suppl.-Bd., 124: 69-85.

Runge, J. & T. Tchamié  (2000): Inselberge, Rumpfflächen und Sedimente kleiner Einzugsgebiete in Nord-Togo: Altersstellung und morphodynamische Landschaftsgeschichte. – Zbl. Geol. Paläont. Teil 1, 5/6: 497-508.

Runge, J. & M. Neumer (2000): Dynamique du paysage entre 1955 et 1990 à la limite forêt-savane dans le nord du Zaire, par l’étude de photographies aèriennes et de données LANDSAT-TM. – in: SÉRVANT, M. & S. SERVANT-VILDARY (éds.): Dynamique à long terme des écosystems forestiers intertropicaux (ECOFIT). UNESCO, IRD, Paris, 311-317.

Runge, J. (2000): Environmental and climatic history of the eastern Kivu area (D.R. Congo, ex Zaire) from 40 ka to the present. – in: Smolka, P. & W. Volkheimer (eds.): Southern Hemisphere Paleo- and Neoclimates (IGCP 341), 249-262. Springer, Heidelberg.

more publications see www.geo.uni-frankfurt.de/ipg/ag/ru/publikationen/index.html