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Bild des Benutzers mirjam.tutzer

Perspectives of women on microcredits: Brochure and workshop

On a Wednesday in May 2016, the day had finally come: the Tanzania Gender Network Program (TGNP Mtandao) based in Dar es Salaam and I, a researcher from AFRASO, welcomed the participants of a workshop discussing the implementation of microcredit programs in Tanzania. Based on my research results, the workshop offered a possibility of exchange about the impact of microcredits on women as the main target group of this concept. Microcredits are often labeled as a ‘magic bullet’ to fight poverty and empower women, but also pose particular challenges.




author(s) / editor(s): 

Bild des Benutzers Alexandra.Samokhvalova

Student from Tanzania wins the International Malay Language Speech Competition: some good publicity for Africans in Malaysia in the end?

Bild des Benutzers jan.beek

Workshop Proceedings: Shared/Divided Research: Epistemological challenges of joint research in transregional contexts

Bild des Benutzers falk.hartig

The Bandung Spirit is Alive – Really?

Asian and African leaders from more than 80 countries gathered in Indonesia in late April to mark the 60th anniversary of the landmark Bandung Conference that helped to forge a common identity among emerging states.




author(s) / editor(s): 

Bild des Benutzers falk.hartig

Chinese to Be Taught in Kenyan and South African Schools

Kenya is working on a plan to introduce the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language in its schools. According to plans announced by the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) in late April, the language will be optional like French, German and Spanish which are already taught in Kenyan schools.




author(s) / editor(s): 

Bild des Benutzers falk.hartig

China Rail Group Signs $12bn Nigeria Deal in the Latest Round of China’s Railroad Diplomacy

Railways may be the oldest form of mass land transport, but currently they raise global attention once more as China is expanding its “railroad diplomacy” around the world for a variety or reasons.




author(s) / editor(s): 

Bild des Benutzers john.njenga.karugia

Baohan Street: An African Community in Guangzhou (China)

Early October 2014, I participated in a panel discussion about an exhibition of documentary photographs of Baohan Street in Guangzhou, a place that I have visited on several research stints in China. It was held at the Global South Studies Center Cologne (GSSC), University of Cologne.




author(s) / editor(s): 

Bild des Benutzers falk.hartig

South Africa Damages its Image Over the Dalai Lama

One week ago, South Africa was forced to cancel the 14th World Peace Summit, which had been scheduled to start October 13 in Cape Town, after nine former Nobel Peace Laureates and 11 affiliated organizations announced they would boycott the conference.




author(s) / editor(s): 
