S1-A: Parastatal Companies and Capitalist Development: The Interaction of South African and Chinese Enterprises in the Services Sector

Within the services sector, parastatals are a major driving force in many economies, particularly by providing other firms with essential services like telecommunication. Due to increased foreign direct investment and to the extension of trade agreements (including the harmonisation of national regulations on the services sectors) these firms shift from a national market to a transnational outlook. The project focuses on South African and Chinese (partially) state-owned firms in the banking and telecommunication sector. First, we identify the political economy, institutions and mechanisms within those sectors in South Africa and China, while keeping in mind the identification of political and economic motivations as well as possible complementarities. In doing so, we take a closer look at the different enterprises, their national collaborations and interactions, and their socio-economic impact on their societies (in particular on labour relations). Second, we focus on the interaction between South African and Chinese enterprises. The different kinds of interaction between the parastatals could be classified as direct interactions (e.g. with regard to investments) and/or interactions on the global level (e.g. through regulation processes).

The result of the project will be an interdisciplinary exchange between different research spaces. The role of (partially) state-owned firms will be analysed in the current national capitalist model, as well as in transnational cooperation. Therefore, we will exchange data and compare individual research results during research stays. Research will be made available via publications and presentations. This small project adds on the micro level and contributes in the understanding of firms as an actor in the Africa-Asia Interaction.

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AFRASO Publications

Cissé, Daouda, Grimm, Sven , Nölke, Andreas ; 2014 ; State-Directed Multinational Enterprises and Transnational Governance: Chinese Investments in Africa, Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Norms ; CCS Discussion Paper ; Center for Chinese Studies, Universität Stellenbosch ; 1 ; https:\\www.die-gdi.de/uploads/media/CCS_DP_Corporate_Responsibilities_Cisse_Grimm_Nolke_20141.pdf
Nölke, Andreas ; 2015 ; Second Image Revisited: The Domestic Sources of China’s Foreign Economic Policies, ; International Politics ; Special issue: 52 (6)
Nölke, Andreas ; 2015 ; Rising Powers and Transnational Private Governance. The International Accounting Standards Board ; Rising Powers and Multilateral Institutions ; Lesage, Dries & Thijs Van de Graaf ; Palgrave Macmillan ; Basingstoke & New York ; 96-116
Nölke, Andreas ; 2015 ; Introduction - Second Image Revisited: The Domestic Sources of China’s Foreign Economic Policies. ; International Politics ; 52 (6) ; 657–665
Nölke, Andreas, ten Brink, Tobias, Claar, Simone, May, Christian ; 2015 ; Domestic structures, foreign economic policies and global economic order: Implications from the rise of large emerging economies. ; European Journal of International Relations ; 21 (3) ; 538–567
Lüthje, Boy, Tian, Miao ; 2015 ; China’s Automotive Industry: Structural Impediments to Socio-economic Rebalancing ; International Journal of Automotive Management and Technology ; Dr. Giuseppe Giulio Calabrese ; Vol. 15 ; Inderscience Publishers
Nölke, Andreas, Claar, Simone, May, Christian, ten Brink, Tobias ; 2015 ; Bildet sich in den Schwellenländern eine neue Form des Kapitalismus heraus? Implikationen für die Weltwirtschaftsordnung ; Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft ; 25 (1) ; 89–97

Talks and Lectures