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Bild des Benutzers Alexandra.Samokhvalova

Africans in Malaysia: students, husbands and victims of racial discrimination. Interview with the author of a Malaysian travelogue about Ghana.

Bild des Benutzers john.njenga.karugia

Indian Ocean as Memory Space: Islam in Indonesia and South Africa

In 2015, during a research stint in South Africa, I visited the Bo-Kaap Museum in Cape Town, South Africa together with some colleagues from the AFRASO project. The museum “showcases local Islamic culture and heritage” associated with Cape Malays that were brought to South Africa as slaves by the Dutch East Indies Company. It was then that I found out about a prominent saint, Sheikh Yusuf, who was an Indian Ocean Muslim scholar and preacher of Islam from Indonesia.




author(s) / editor(s): 

Bild des Benutzers frauke.eckl

Asia and Africa in Global Art

From December 16th 2014 until the 15th of February 2015, the Seoul Museum of Art showed its first major exhibition on contemporary African art in South Korea: “Africa Now - Political Patterns”.




author(s) / editor(s): 

Bild des Benutzers falk.hartig

China’s Media Reaching Out to the World, Especially to Africa

China is dramatically increasing its media presence in the world. China Central Television (CCTV) established regional media hubs in Africa as well as in the United States and is currently planning another regional center in Europe. Xinhua News Agency is opening new offices and launched its own 24-hour television news; while the English language paper China Daily is publishing regional editions in different parts of the world as well.




author(s) / editor(s): 

Bild des Benutzers frauke.kandale

African Students on Malaysia’s Market of Private Higher Education

Malaysia has developed a market for private higher education in the past few decades. Education turned into a commercial product, which is advertised by the universities’ marketing departments and offered internationally. On a hot and hazy afternoon, Sandra and I drove to Cyberjaya, a satellite town in the Klang Valley in the periphery of Kuala Lumpur, planned as the Malaysian Silicon Valley. There is the main campus of Limkokwing University, a pioneering institution that sticks out with its rather aggressive marketing strategy. As visitors, we got the impression that the whole idea behind this university is a big image campaign. The university opened up branch campuses around the world, not only in Southeast Asia but also in Africa and the Middle East.




author(s) / editor(s): 

Bild des Benutzers simone.claar

Zambia's economic strategy – beyond populist attitudes toward China and South Africa

Co-authored by Birthe Pater

In September 2011, the Zambians voted for change - a new government led by President Michael Sata from the Patriotic Front (PF). Michael Sata was well known as the ‘China basher’ in his first election campaign in 2006, which culminated in threats of an earlier Chinese ambassador to cut ties with Zambia, if Sata becomes the new president. At that point, Sata promised to recognize Taiwan as an independent country. He failed to win the election and toned his rhetoric down in the second run. But still, one pillar of Sata’s election campaign in 2011 was promises in favor of workers – job creation and paving roads. Although security standards and labor conditions increased in the mines in general, the ‘Chinese’ mines still challenge these improvements.




author(s) / editor(s): 

Bild des Benutzers birthe.pater

The new African tiger?

Co-authored by Simone Claar and Sebastian Schäfer

While caught up in a regular traffic jam in the minibus to Lusaka city centre we had plenty of time to observe the people around us. We were struck by the modern life style, the variety of smart phones and fashion awareness. Thus, we were wondering about how it could be that OECD still classifies Zambia among ‘least developed countries’. Something was missing in the story.




author(s) / editor(s): 

Bild des Benutzers falk.hartig

UNESCO-China-Africa University Cooperation

As outlined before, the economic dimension is one of the driving forces for Sino-African relations. However, there are also various other fields of engagement, and higher education is one of them. While everyone has heard of Confucius Institutes there are also a number of other initiatives.




author(s) / editor(s): 
