Update – Struggle of the Zambian economy
Gespeichert von simone.claar am
Zambia's economic strategy – beyond populist attitudes toward China and South Africa
Gespeichert von simone.claar am
The new African tiger?
Gespeichert von birthe.pater am
S3-F: African Ownership: Mehr als symbolische Politik? Japans Entwicklungspolitik in Sambia
AFRASO Publications
2015 ;
Rising Powers and Transnational Private Governance. The International Accounting Standards Board ;
Rising Powers and Multilateral Institutions ;
Lesage, Dries & Thijs Van de Graaf ;
Palgrave Macmillan ;
Basingstoke & New York ;
2015 ;
Introduction - Second Image Revisited: The Domestic Sources of China’s Foreign Economic Policies. ;
International Politics ;
52 (6) ;
2015 ;
Domestic structures, foreign economic policies and global economic order: Implications from the rise of large emerging economies. ;
European Journal of International Relations ;
21 (3) ;
2015 ;
Bildet sich in den Schwellenländern eine neue Form des Kapitalismus heraus? Implikationen für die Weltwirtschaftsordnung ;
Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft ;
25 (1) ;
Talks and Lectures
Japanese philosophy in development co-operation: The Zambian case. ;
Mittwoch, März 12, 2014 ;
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
S3-F: African Ownership: More Than Cheap Talk? Japan‘s Foreign Aid Approach in Zambia
AFRASO Publications
2015 ;
Rising Powers and Transnational Private Governance. The International Accounting Standards Board ;
Rising Powers and Multilateral Institutions ;
Lesage, Dries & Thijs Van de Graaf ;
Palgrave Macmillan ;
Basingstoke & New York ;
2015 ;
Introduction - Second Image Revisited: The Domestic Sources of China’s Foreign Economic Policies. ;
International Politics ;
52 (6) ;
2015 ;
Domestic structures, foreign economic policies and global economic order: Implications from the rise of large emerging economies. ;
European Journal of International Relations ;
21 (3) ;
2015 ;
Bildet sich in den Schwellenländern eine neue Form des Kapitalismus heraus? Implikationen für die Weltwirtschaftsordnung ;
Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft ;
25 (1) ;
Talks and Lectures
Japanese philosophy in development co-operation: The Zambian case. ;
Mittwoch, März 12, 2014 ;
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia